Conclusion: Spain needs to adapt to the new European migration framework, but it's important that this process is carried out while respecting human rights, ensuring the efficiency of the system and adequately protecting refugees.
View previous editorials for El País
Conclusion: Despite efforts to halt executions, the US remains an outlier in the Western world as it upholds the death penalty, especially in Republican-held states. A more marked and universal policy shift is needed to change this course.
View previous editorials for Le Monde
Conclusion: Rushdie continues to be a powerful intellectual voice against religious and political fanaticism. Through his work, he consistently advocates for the freedom of thought and enriching debate.
View previous editorials for El Mundo
Conclusion: Supporting Per Scholas signifies investing in their proven training programs that successfully prepare underemployed individuals for in-demand tech careers. Moreover, the program offers equal opportunities for people of color and women, who are frequently underrepresented in the tech sector.
View previous editorials for The New York Times
Conclusion: Despite challenges and political volatility, Sánchez and Illa celebrate economic and social improvements, while emphasizing the need to alleviate social inequality and stabilize Catalonia after the turbulent procés stage.
View previous editorials for La Vanguardia
Conclusion: The current political situation in France is extremely delicate, and the appointment of a new Prime Minister is crucial but comes with extreme challenges. Preventing democratic chaos and reestablishing trust in politics are priorities.
View previous editorials for Liberation
Conclusion: Though hurdles in countries like France and Germany make the prospects of a shift ahead of the upcoming elections look slim, Macron has highlighted the need for a fiscal reset in the interest of growth, unity, and solidarity.
View previous editorials for The Guardian
View previous editorials for El Español
Conclusion: The severity of the current situation could be the definitive push to take all necessary measures to better cope with future droughts.
View previous editorials for El Periodico